Stop worrying!

“Stop worrying” may be good advice, but most people know it really isn’t as simple as that. But somewhere along the way you may find some good advice you can use to tame the worry and anxiety that can come on all too easily — try the tips below!

Break the cycle

Worrying is a habit, which creates certain patterns in the brain, and the brain loves a good pattern, even if it really has no benefit for you. The good news, though, is that there are ways to rewire the brain and develop new habits, habits that don’t involve worry and anxiety. Keep these things in mind:

• It is important to realize that you are in charge of your thoughts – you control them, they don’t control you. Challenge your thoughts before they get the best of you.

• It might help to put what you are worrying about into perspective: Is what you are worrying about right now even within the realm of possibility? Are you worrying about something that is out of your control anyway? This is another way to think about anxiety. It might not help when you try it just once or twice, but it is a tool you can make a new habit of using.

• Avoiding doing something because it makes you anxious, in the end, makes your anxiety even worse.

• Realize that every moment you have a choice, to worry or not. Yes, you may have been diagnosed with depression or another issue that makes obstacles more difficult to deal with, but it is always up to you how you react to what is going on around you.

• Don’t give up. Every moment is a new opportunity to fight against something that starts of the cycle of worry. You may have faltered a minute ago, but you can start again now.

It’s true that stopping the cycle of worry and anxiety isn’t simple – but it can be done. It takes time and practice to “rewire” your brain, but the important thing is to remember that you are in control – not your anxiety! The staff at Wasatch Crest Treatment in Heber, Utah, can help you to train your brain. Call (800) 385-3507 today.

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