An Update About Coronavirus

Dear Colleagues, Clients, and Friends,

At Wasatch Crest, safety is our utmost priority. With the recent outbreak of the COVID-19
virus, we are following all available information and recommendations set forth by the Center
for Disease Control and Prevention, Utah Department of Health, Wasatch County Health
Department, and the Joint Commission. As this situation evolves on an hour by hour basis, we
will continue to be vigilant in implementing best practices and recommendations from these

Rest assured that we are taking this situation very seriously and exercising every available
precaution to ensure the safety of our clients and our staff.
From a treatment team perspective, we’ve increased the frequency of communications
between our nursing staff, medical staff, and leadership team to ensure the best possible client

Amplified measures to keep clients and staff safe include:

  • All patients and staff are required to take their temperature daily.
  • Any staff who exhibit symptoms will be asked to stay home.
  • Any clients who exhibit symptoms will be taken to the nearest medical provider immediately. They will be allowed to return to the facility once cleared by a medical professional.
  • Implementing rigorous sanitation, hygiene, hand washing and no personal contact procedures throughout the center in accordance with CDC guidelines.
  • Restricting all outside visitors to the facility and asking all administrative staff to work
    from home.
  • Restricting all outside activities that involve interaction with large groups – e.g., outside
    12 step meetings.

We understand that some of these necessary protections may have a direct effect on the
recovery journey. To that end we have engaged our clinical team to revamp our program in an
effort to give clients the best possible treatment experience in this current environment. More
to come on that front.

From an admissions perspective, we are proactively pre-screening clients (and their loved-ones)
for possible exposure to, or symptoms of, COVID-19 based on CDC recommendations prior to
arriving at the facility (and again upon admission) in order to keep our community safe.
Our screening questions include but are not limited to:

  • Are you experiencing any flu-like symptoms, such as coughing, a fever, or shortness of
  • In the last 14 days have you traveled to any high-risk areas of transmission for COVID-
  • Have you been in close contact with any individuals that are confirmed or who are being
    evaluated for COVID-19?

We will continue to monitor this situation closely as the available information evolves in the
days and weeks ahead, and are committed to taking the necessary precautions every step of
the way. Our goal is to keep our clients, families, and staff safe and informed during this time.
The disease of addiction continues to ravage lives and families on a daily basis, and we stand
ready to help those in need, in the safest way possible.

Jim Huffman
Founder and CEO

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