Recovery Quotes to Inspire You

adobestock 172419130 1 Recovery is not a destination – it’s a journey, and it will last the rest of your life. Once you take steps to overcome your addiction, it doesn’t just magically disappear. Recovery – and the choices you make to stay in recovery – become something of a companion. And every day that you wake up and make those choices to remain sober and healthy are worth celebrating.

Recovery Is about More than Abstinence

To successfully recover from addiction, you can’t just treat the addiction. You have to recognize and treat the underlying issues that made addiction your way of coping.

“Recovery is not simple abstinence. It’s about healing the brain, remembering how to feel, learning how to make good decisions, becoming the kind of person who can engage in healthy relationships, cultivating the willingness to accept help from others, daring to be honest, and opening up to doing.” – Debra Jay

Give Yourself Space to Grow

Recovery is an imperfect process. There will be stops and starts. There will be struggles and temptations. Instead of waiting for perfection, take every success and build on it slowly until the foundation is strong enough to sustain you.

“Understanding the difference between healthy striving and perfectionism is critical to laying down the shield and picking up your life.” – Brené Brown

Believe in Yourself and Your Strength

It takes so much strength and courage just to take the first step, but to dig in and learn why you became an addict and start changing your own internal dialogue is hard work. You deserve a better life – a life free of addiction. Believe in yourself and be willing to ask for help when you need it.

“One of the hardest things was learning that I was worth recovery.” – Demi Lovato

One Step at a Time

Recovery is something you do every day when you wake up and make the choice to stay there. You don’t have to promise anything more than that. Just take it one step at a time.

 “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” — Robert Collier

We are dedicated to helping your loved one overcome drug and alcohol addictions and reach full, lasting recovery. If you are struggling with addiction or have relapsed, or if you have a friend, family member, or other loved one with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, please call us. We invite you to contact us today to learn more about drug and alcohol rehab in Heber City, Utah, and to speak with a member of our experienced, caring team. We are eager to help you regain control of your life!

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