There’s Nothing Wrong With Spending New Year’s Eve Alone

Maybe you are far from home and so you don’t have anyone to celebrate New Year’s Eve with, or maybe you’ve had a tough year and you are trying to recover, and the thought of being around a bunch of people is too much right now. Whatever the reason, if you are spending this New Year’s Eve by yourself, there is nothing wrong with that! If you choose to, you can still make it a special evening.

What’s wrong with being alone?

For some people, New Year’s Eve is one of those holidays that comes with big expectations – they expect to have a lot of fun and excitement, and they may even expect some big, unexpected surprises to mark the end of the year. But you don’t have to go out with a crowd of people looking for excitement just because that is what other people do on this night. The first thing to know about spending New Year’s Eve alone is that there’s nothing wrong with that! And there’s also nothing wrong with taking some “me” time and just sitting around in your jammies watching movies. But, if you do feel inspired to be active, here are some things you can do to make the most of the night:

• Pat yourself on the back. Think back over the past year and give yourself credit for all you’ve accomplished, even if these accomplishments may seem small to some people – paying off a credit card, for example. Write them all down — you may be surprised at how many things you’ve done.

• Get something done. Is there something you’ve been putting off for ages now? Like cleaning up the spare room or finishing painting the kitchen? Why not tackle it on New Year’s Eve? Accomplishing something is a great way to start the new year.

• Get out there. Is there a restaurant you’ve always wanted to go to? New Year’s Eve is a great time for new experiences – who says you have to go with anyone?

If the holidays have gotten you down and you want help making the new year the best ever, the staff at Wasatch Crest in Heber, Utah, can help. Call (800) 385-3507.

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