As we all know, how you see yourself can have a big impact on how you feel day to day and on your psychological health in general – and issues with body image can be one reason that people develop addictions. Here is some more information on body image and how it can lead to problems with addiction.
Body Issues and Addiction
Society has always put a lot of value on looks, and this has only gotten worse with the rising use of social media. Feeling bad about how you look can lead to negative feelings about one’s own body, which can lead to negative feelings about oneself, which can lead to substance abuse as a way to numb these feelings. Research suggests that those with body image issues have a high likelihood of abusing drugs or alcohol. And these issues can also lead to eating disorders; almost half of people with an eating disorder also have a problem with drug or alcohol abuse.
Poor body image can also be a result of addiction. Consistent use of drugs or alcohol can lead to a reduction in appetite or not eating enough nutritious food. This can lead to weight loss, which can result in an unhealthy way of seeing yourself, if you concentrate on how your body looks instead of the underlying issues. Or, a substance might cause food cravings, which can lead to weight gain and a negative attitude toward one’s own body.
A negative body image can also be the result of low self-esteem, which is very common in people who were abused as children. Abuse can make children grow up with an unrealistic (and possibly inappropriate) way of seeing themselves.
As you can see, there are a lot of issues surrounding poor body image, but simply being aware of any issues you may have and how these make you feel – and then deciding to get help – is a good start toward feeling better. Counseling can help to resolve these underlying problems and the resulting substance abuse. The staff at Wasatch Crest in Heber, Utah, can help you to feel good about yourself and your body image. Call (800) 385-3507 today.