You don’t have to be perfect
If a friend comes to you with a problem, it is important to know that you don’t have to have all of the answers, and they probably don’t expect you to. In many cases only time can really fix what went wrong, but in the meantime you can provide an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on.
Make sure you are really there when you are there!
If you are trying to help a friend get through a difficult time, it is important that you are really there for them. Make sure you are really listening, without checking your phone or being distracted by your own worries. Chances are that after they get done talking they will be more than happy to listen to you talk about what is bothering you!
Don’t discount the little things
When a friend is going through a tough time, a call, a text, or even a silly gif can really mean a lot. You might not think that such a small effort can make a difference, but it really can! It not only may give your friend a well-deserved giggle, but it lets them know they are on your mind.
Wasatch Crest Treatment in Heber, Utah, can help you meet your own challenges so that you can be there for those you love. Call (800) 385-3507.