What to Do When You Feel Overwhelmed

Feeling like you are overwhelmed doesn’t just happen at work or when you have a string of bad luck. It can happen at any time, for any reason – even at a time when it doesn’t seem like anything “overwhelming” is happening at all. Mindfulness therapy can help, and you can also try these tips to avoid that feeling of being overwhelmed. 

Manage your time

If you are taking on more than a human being can realistically handle, it is no wonder you feel overwhelmed. Learn how to manage your time by prioritizing what you have to do, delegating tasks, and saying “no” when you just can’t handle any more. 

Take care of yourself

It is easy to feel overwhelmed when you haven’t gotten enough sleep, are only eating chocolate for lunch every day, and never exercise. You may feel like you don’t have the time to take a walk and get 8 hours of sleep, but in the end it will help with your stress level and give you more energy. 

Also, make sure you take some time to get away from it all, at least once a week. Go to the movies, hang out with a friend you haven’t seen in ages, or just walk around the mall – anything that gets you far away from what is overwhelming you. Some people find that meditation or prayer helps them to clear their mind and put things in perspective. 

Start a journal

It seems deceptively simple, but taking a few minutes each day to write down what you are feeling stressed about can help you to get it all out of your head. Your journal is just for you. You don’t have to worry about spelling or making sense or offending anyone; even a 10 minute session of stream-of-consciousness writing can help. Who knows? At the end of 10 minutes you may be wondering why you felt overwhelmed at all.  

Everyone feels overwhelmed at some point, but there are some things you can do to fight it. When it all gets to be too much, call Wasatch Crest Treatment in Heber, Utah, at (800) 385-3507. 

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