The Power of Microgoals

Happy sporty woman jogging outdoors Have you ever heard of microgoals? They are a deceptively simple way to help yourself when you feel overwhelmed and anxious. They are also a great way to train yourself to be in the moment. Read on for more information about microgoals and what they can do for you.

What are microgoals?

We all have days when even just getting out of bed seems like it’s too much to handle, much less tackling all the tasks you have to do that day. Microgoals break these overwhelming tasks down into smaller, bite-sized ones. Over time, working with microgoals can rewire your brain and help to give you the energy to keep working on what you want to achieve. You also can’t help but be in the moment, because you are only thinking of the next task you have to accomplish.

Let’s say you want to run a marathon, but then you start thinking about everything that involves – getting up early to run, running every single day rain or shine, and even having to buy new shoes. It is no wonder you feel overwhelmed. So, take it one step at a time and break the whole process down. Don’t think about the marathon; think about the first goal – getting up early. Once that’s accomplished, what is the next goal? Getting dressed to run.

When you are out on the street running you can use microgoals, too. Maybe you wanted to run a mile on your first day but you can already feel yourself drooping. Don’t think about the mile – think about the next step. Then the next. Then the next.

Another important part of microgoals is celebrating when you’ve made those goals. You don’t have to stop what you are doing and get out the confetti, but at least recognizing that you have met your goal (and having a mini-celebration) is an important part of the process.

Microgoals are just one way to deal with anxiety and that feeling of being overwhelmed. When it all seems like too much, the staff at Wasatch Crest Treatment in Heber, Utah, has other ways to help you get through the day! Call (800) 385-3507.

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