4 Freedoms to Cherish

This month, between the cookouts and the fireworks, you may also spend some time thinking about the reasons behind Independence Day and why we celebrate it – it is a celebration of freedom. Unfortunately, many of us aren’t “free” – we are trapped in unhealthy environments, blocked by mistakes of the past, or even tortured by what is going on inside our own minds. Here are 4 freedoms to cherish and work toward, this Independence Day and every day! 

Freedom from negative thoughts

Negative thoughts that occur over and over eventually become “truth” in your head. They become a part of you and start to rule your every action and thought. Try to identify these negative thoughts as they occur and work to stop them before they begin to live in your mind. 

Freedom to choose

As long as your actions aren’t hurting anyone else (or hurting yourself), you have the freedom to choose what will make you happy. Don’t forget that you choose not only what your actions are and the words you say, but you also have a choice when it comes to your mood and your state of mind – you have to consciously choose to be happy. 

Freedom to be healthy

This means not only physically healthy, but psychologically and spiritually healthy. You have the right to separate yourself from situations that you know aren’t good for you and people who seem to bring out the worst in you. 

Freedom from the past

We’ve all made mistakes in the past. It sounds trite, but it’s true. But now you have the freedom to choose – are you going to live in the past and relive your mistakes, or are you going to move on and create a new future for yourself using all that you have learned? After all, those mistakes have given you wisdom and a perspective that is all your own and have helped to make you into the person you are today. 

“Freedom” is a word with many exciting possibilities. What freedoms do you value? If you need help living the life you want with the freedoms you crave, the staff at Wasatch Crest Treatment in Heber, Utah, can help. Call (800) 385-3507. 

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