“There is a way to have an amazing life.” — C.B.’s Recovery Story

By Wasatch Crest Program Graduate C.B.

When I arrived at Wasatch Crest, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted or needed. I just knew my addiction had taken me to a place where I was completely broken, out of control and desperately needed change. I thought that maybe just a quick detox, some sober time with a clear head to think and get back on track was all I needed. I got all of that and so much more.

With individual therapy, fellow addicts and alcoholics to relate to, recreational therapy, and a truly amazing and caring staff, I was able to work through my past and current issues and learn how to handle potential future issues.

I learned a whole new way to look at life and enjoy it without a drink or thirty. Wasatch Crest helped me realize that life isn’t always easy, but there is a way to have an amazing life that I didn’t think was possible when I walked in those doors.

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