The Importance of Dual Diagnosis Treatment

An individual may suffer from substance abuse and mental health disorders at the same time. It is far from an uncommon situation. When such an occurrence is observed in a person, they are designated as a potential candidate for dual diagnosis treatment. This type of treatment can significantly improve the chances of a person obtaining and sustaining sobriety. Here is what you should know.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders Can Have Similar Symptoms

One of the challenges that healthcare providers face when treating people with substance abuse and mental health disorders is disentangling the two. Effective treatment cannot begin until the healthcare provider diagnoses the conditions. To do that, they must first determine which symptoms are related to which disorder.

Symptoms someone with a dual diagnosis may present include sudden behavioral changes, cognitive difficulties, abnormal sleeping patterns, and suicidal ideation. Alleviating those symptoms becomes a more manageable task if the healthcare provider relies on dual diagnosis treatment.

Symptoms of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders Can Simultaneously Worsen

Beginning dual diagnosis treatment as soon as possible is critical for affected individuals. This is mainly due to how a dual diagnosis can evolve if left untreated. Unsurprisingly, the symptoms of a dual diagnosis can significantly worsen the longer a person goes without treatment. Considering the symptoms a person may present, any deterioration in their condition could lead to an emergency.

Healthcare providers must act quickly to prevent the acceleration of a dual diagnosis. That is only possible through providing effective and comprehensive dual diagnosis treatment. The success of treatment may also depend on how quickly it is provided.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment Can Be Personalized

Lastly, dual diagnosis treatment is essential because it can be tailored specifically to the needs of the affected individual. A healthcare provider can assess a person’s needs based on which substance abuse and mental health disorders they have. After completing those assessments, the healthcare provider can provide personalized treatment that addresses an individual’s needs. More generalized treatment may fail to yield the same results.

Get Started On Dual Diagnosis Treatment at Wasatch Crest

Addressing the symptoms of a dual diagnosis as soon as possible is a must for any affected individuals. Begin dual diagnosis treatment by reaching out to Wasatch Crest. With facilities in both Heber, UT, and Park City, UT, you can select the location that is most convenient for you. Contact our team today by calling 800-385-3507 to schedule a consultation.

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